Indigenously Parenting … 

Parenting Your Teens From Your Instinct and from who they are meant to be innately (ngokwe ndalo yabo).

Along different timelines in our history as a nation - we seem to have forgotten what it truly means to be of indigenous descent - being descendant of an ancestry that prides itself of knowledge practices seldom passed down in books - but through oral family histories.

This seminar is one of those ancient wisdom inspired session on parenting post the birth process - your child coms with their own blueprint that guides you on how to raise them!

I am Nomveliso

Growing up from the village outskirts of the Former Transkei taught me that life is as simple as it is complex. That our natural form is fluid yet connected - that who we become is also innately tied to how we are born and what we are exposed to in the very first foundations of our upbringing. Mostly important that we are always connects to our ROOTS that when we lose our way - going back to our roots helps us to find our way again.

My biggest principle with parenting teens is not to necessarily react to the behavior we use but to look at the ROOTS of such behavior and use this to reform & re-parent.

Top Principles of Indigenously Parenting

No one knows your child better than you do, and no one can teach you more about your child than you can. However, life's challenges can make us forget this, causing self-doubt to creep in. We start comparing ourselves to our neighbors and adopt their methods. By the time we realize it, we no longer recognize the child in front of us.

In indigenous cultures, raising a child is often a communal effort. The support of extended family and community members plays a crucial role in a child's upbringing. This principle emphasizes the importance of community involvement and collective responsibility in nurturing and educating children.

Each generation has its own goals and paths, learning from previous ones to do better. When we know better, we do better. However, without this knowledge, we may repeat cycles and wound the next generations. This principle emphasizes the importance of learning from our family lineage to create positive change for future generations.

Colonization and modernization have often made us forget our true selves or led us to believe that our cultural identity no longer matters. These influences can detach us from our roots and make us feel disconnected from our heritage. It's essential to remember that our cultural identity is a vital part of who we are and how we raise our children. Embracing our traditions, values, and practices can strengthen our family bonds and provide a solid foundation for our children's growth.

Indigenous parenting focuses on the holistic development of a child, nurturing their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. This balanced approach ensures that children grow up to be well-rounded individuals who can thrive in all aspects of life.

Building families with intention and infusing indigenous consciousness in parenting methods are crucial. This principle focuses on being mindful and deliberate in how we form and nurture our families, ensuring that our actions align with our cultural values and goals.

My sessions will help you reconnect with your natural instincts, embrace your cultural identity, and learn to trust yourself again. Together, we can rediscover the importance of who we are and ensure that our children grow up with a strong sense of self, community, and heritage.

Parenting Teens

with Family Integration Framework

When parents bring their teens' behaviors to me, they often forget that every situation has underlying root causes.

My Parenting Teens Seminars are structured to start with understanding where we come from as individuals and as parents before attempting to unpack our children’s behaviors. We then create a map of the journey from then to now, using proven principles and methods that I have learned over the past 30 years.

Be A Student Of Your Family Lineage & Change Future Generations For The Better!

Join us on a journey across South Africa to explore the challenges and triumphs of parenting teenagers. This roadshow is designed to equip you with practical tools, insights, and strategies to help your teen thrive in today’s world.

What We Offer

Our Parent Coaching Program is designed to support and empower parents with tailored guidance and strategies, enabling them to better support their kids or teens. With 30 years of experience, we provide a dual approach that focuses on equipping parents with the tools and knowledge they need to address the unique needs of their children. Our program includes:

What to Expect

  • Interactive Workshops: Hands-on sessions with expert coaches on topics like communication, emotional intelligence, and academic support.

  • Expert Panels: Hear from an experienced team on the latest trends and challenges facing teens today.

  • Parenting Tools & Resources: Access to exclusive materials, including parenting guides, emotional well-being checklists, and more.

Topic Themes

Part 1: The Foundation – Family Formations™

  • Birth Heritage Personality Profiling Methodology™ - Comprehensive personality review and life path assessment from birth through childhood growth stages.

Part 2 – Academic Performance / Ingqondo YeMveli

  • Academics Review & Excellence Setup: - Strategies for academic success and intellectual growth.

  • Child(ren)’s Education History and Learning Review: - Detailed analysis of your children’s educational journey and learning patterns.

Part 3 – Family Dynamics

  • Family History Mapping: Insights into managing family dynamics based on historical patterns.

  • Guided Support in re-parenting your teen strategies

  • Parenting Styles Review & Historical Mapping – within their historical context.

Upcoming Dates & Locations

Johannesburg: 05 October 2024

Port Elizabeth: TBC

Durban: TBC

Bloemfontein: TBC

Botswana: TBC

More locations to be announced soon! Or Join this Waitlist and when we have 9 people in your rejoin we will send dates: CLICK HERE

My Group Session Only Take 9 Attendees, Max.


Parents of Pre-Teens & Parents of Teens

Early Bird Special: R5,500

Early Bird Special: R5,500 ⋆

Early Bird Fee R5,500pp ends 7 Sept &

IF you book after you pay: R6,800 pp


R950 once off Registration Fee - include a Parenting Journal

Only 9 Attendees Per Event

Book Via Email:

Some of the themes of Topics Covered

Laying A Strong Foundation

Empowering parents with the skills and insights to assist their children’s educational, emotional, and developmental needs.

Intellectual Growth / Home Based Learning

Education History and Learning Review: Detailed analysis of your children’s educational journey and learning patterns


Evaluations to ensure emotional health and well-being for both parents and children

Academic Review & Excellence Setup:

Strategies for academic success and intellectual growth. Assessment of your children’s academic performance and development of a tailored Personality Development Pla

Family History Mapping:

Insights into managing family dynamics based on historical patterns. Strategies for enhancing family emotional well-being and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in parenting.

The Indigenous Identity Framework™ (umNtu)

Comprehensive personality review and life path assessment from birth through childhood growth stages.


THIS will be the most rewarding investment you will make throughout the year



If I can no longer participate, can I cancel my membership?

Yes, you can cancel at anytime.

Can I join from outside the Africa?

Yes, you can join from anywhere in the world

What do I get with my membership?

Access to our exclusive community that is intentionally designed to help you reach your parenting & personal growth goals.

Who is this community for?

This is a safe space for parents and those who identify as black people and understand the basics of black consciousness / align with black love or black identity.

Can we pay once fee if we are a couple?

No, the fee is charged per one person / individuals must pay separately.

What topics will be covered?

Everything from childhood development, primary school specific support, teen development, young adults, raising the boy child, raising the girl child, raising the black young adult men plus balancing out family wide support and growth